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[0HC]∎ PDF Gratis The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

Download As PDF : The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

Download PDF The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations  edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

1919 edition, illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations

"Robinson Crusoe" is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published on 1719.

The book is presented as an autobiography of the title character — a castaway who spends twenty-seven years on a remote tropical desert island near Trinidad, encountering cannibals, captives, and mutineers, before ultimately being rescued.

"Robinson Crusoe" is often credited as marking the beginning of realistic fiction as a literary genre. It is generally seen as a contender for the first English novel. Before the end of 1719, the book had already run through four editions, and it has gone on to become one of the most widely published books in history, spawning numerous imitations in film, television and radio that its name was used to define a genre, Robinsonade.

The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

This edition does not include all of Defoe's famous work, Robinson Crusoe. It has no cover page or publishing information, and ends at chapter 9 mid sentence. Literally the last page of the book ends mid-sentence, with a comma. Terrible. I am just now noting that the cover has a picture of a motorboat - definitely not available at the time of the setting of this book. This edition was negligently put together and should not be sold. Don't buy under any circumstances, it will only make you sad.

Product details

  • File Size 6956 KB
  • Print Length 324 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date February 7, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B06X3Q3L9C

Read The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations  edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

Tags : The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: 1919 edition, illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations - Kindle edition by Daniel Defoe. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: 1919 edition, illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations.,ebook,Daniel Defoe,The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: 1919 edition, illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations,Fiction General,Juvenile Fiction General
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The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks Reviews

It is presumptuous of me to offer a review. The Canterbury Tales, the first English book, and Robinson Crusoe, the first English novel, may be to two most seminal books ever written in the English language.
Let me just say that Robinson Crusoe is simply a great read. Do you need a story for the beach? This is it. Do you need a subject for you doctoral dissertation? This could also be it.
Everyone should find something of interest in this adventure story. I strongly recommend it.
I am writing a review of the audiobook version. I liked the narrator's presentation of the book. He has a good speaking voice and I've enjoyed other books he has narrated.

As for the book, one cannot expect the writing style or narrative to match that of current day since it was written 300 years ago, I did enjoy the usage of certain words in the book, which are now considered archaic. That said, I found the story to be tedious, repetitive and overtly religious. While it probably helped sales of the book in England, I did not like the overly superior manner in which the English way of life is portrayed in the book. All other peoples and they way they live are deemed are inferior.

Daniel Dafoe must have consumed the entire world's supply of commas for 10 or 20 years in writing this book. Nearly every sentence seems to contain a comma and many have multiple commas.
I used to work at Macmillan when Scribner was under the Macmillan umbrella and I knew when I bought this edition that it was the highest quality you can buy. The N.C. Wyeth illustrations are wonderful and they're on the very best high quality paper. All the Scribner Classics are well made. If you like classics, you'll love these editions. They are very well bound on very good paper and, as I just said, the illustrations are on the very best paper. For the price, you're getting a great deal. The only drawback because it's such a high quality edition, you'll want to take very, very good care of it. Read it away from anything that might spill on it. Try to keep it away from any humidity. I know I'm sounding like a crazy book person and, okay, I probably am, but when you buy it, you'll see what I mean.
The version I got is the one with the motorboat on the cover (which makes no sense given this is set in the 1600's). First off, this book just starts on the very first page which was a little strange, but not really a problem. Next, it has no page numbers; I can deal with that as well - after all the book was inexpensive. But then the reason I really hate this version on the book, is that it ends mid-sentence in the middle of chapter ten. Which means this book is good for nothing except the trash.
If I could I would put zero stars. The book is incomplete!!!!!!!!!! I bought it for my son's homework and he realized after starting anoting in it that it was finishing in a middle of a sentence and he did not have the end! !!!
This is not a complete book; what a scam! It's about HALF of the book and it ends mid sentence. Also, why is there a motorboat with a Yamaha motor on the cover? This book took place in the 1600s; there were no Yamaha motors or motors of any sort at the time of this book. What a rip off! Also there is no publishing info other than "Made in the USA Lexington, KY 17 August 2017" I placed my order for this book on August 17, 2017. I guess they didn't have time to print the entire book???
I would offer "0" stars, if possible. This edition is thin, without page numbers, and the book ended in the MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE! Obviously, it is not a legitimate copy, and is a fraud. If I had only purchased one copy, I would not be so upset, but I bought 17 copies for a book discussion group and cannot return them! This "publisher" is fraudulent and should not allow them to sell this knock-off of the real thing. VERY FRUSTRATING!
This edition does not include all of Defoe's famous work, Robinson Crusoe. It has no cover page or publishing information, and ends at chapter 9 mid sentence. Literally the last page of the book ends mid-sentence, with a comma. Terrible. I am just now noting that the cover has a picture of a motorboat - definitely not available at the time of the setting of this book. This edition was negligently put together and should not be sold. Don't buy under any circumstances, it will only make you sad.
Ebook PDF The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1919 edition illustrated with more than 80 original illustrations  edition by Daniel Defoe Children eBooks

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